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May 18, 2011

red & white theme party

me & my SILs plan buat birthday party for April's babies which is Baba(FIL), RingDing(SIL) and Mamamia(chef im's wife) sekaliarung..penjimatan disitu..hihihii so the theme was red & white..foods by our own, except KFC sponsored by 0milin(SIL) & abgokie & fruit meringue by Alexis sponsored by tyadah(SIL)..:)

plan asal nak buat kt sini but hujan lebat membanjiri ;(
port bertukar kat sini sbb hujan lebat gila
yeah baby, I terajin pelekat reben merah kt gelas nak bagi ikut theme..tihihi
red fork & spoon beli kt tesco jew ;p
the menus..delicious spaghetti by Omilin.. I & abgokie buat sweedish meatball with gravy  tapi takde dalam pict ni ;(
home made chicken Mcdeluxe burger & choc eclairs by Chef Im
mixed fruit meringue sponsored by tyadah, desert & strawberry cheese tart (cake tapi chef kata nama dia memang camtu..hehe) by Chef Im

April babies with birthday cake & cute nieces 

**i lurve being a party planner~tetiba kan..=D